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Make Money Online

Thursday, August 2, 2007

CS Chapter 1: Customers

Yup most of you are smart enough to get it right for the last question I've asked! That's great!

Customers are everywhere! Customers are not someone who buy our products and use our services etc. Customers are someone or something to whom you are connected with your life! They can be your bosses, spouses, colleagues, parents, siblings, family members, relatives, pets, vehicles and even your own body!

It's so easy, isn't it to know who are your CUSTOMERS?

Some of you may quote - "What a crap!" or "So what? etc".

Yup, no doubt, its a "So what?" society we may live in. Imagine a world your own to not be able to communicate well with those someone or something above, will your life be more lonely, miserable, unhappy or even devastating? Well, I guess most of you can live well also without able to communicate with some of the people or things mentioned above.

However, if you are able to communicate just nice to each and everyone, wouldn't you be living in a world of happiness, less conflicts and a great sense of living alive?

"Come on, be realistic, don't be a dreamer, this is a real world, halo, you nuts?" Some of you may see this way.

But if everyone will do their best to make things better for someone or something around themselves, I'm sure this will become true and everyone will be able to live life happily.

Said is easier than done as we all are dealing mostly with people and each has their own individual characteristics and emotions. Which is why there's this "Psychology" exist in this world.

Next, I'll share what is a difficult customer.


Anonymous said...

so u define good communication with customer, family members??

Anonymous said...

sori typo error.. my question "so how u define good communication with customer, family members??

Schneider Kang said...

Always communicate in a good mood so that people can feel you are really like to communicate with them, not just for show only.

Take it like:
"If you see me, you'll like me" manner.

Anonymous said...

hw is it possible to always in good mood? do you in good mood when you communicate with family members?

Schneider Kang said...

There's always a little mood swings in everyday life. Even I myself sometimes have bad or foul mood. I can tell you, I do not always communicate in good mood with my family, because they also have mood swings too.

When one is not in good mood, remain silence and observed on things why the one is not in good mood then try communicate bit by bit with the one.

Whenever I am in bad mood, I'll always like to think back why I'm in bad mood then try turn all these negative moods to positive as soon as possible.

I have this mentality in mind:
"Whether I'm in good mood or bad mood, the day still moves on, so what mood should I choose to live on my day? Which mood will make my day more fruitful?"

Everyone has a choice, everyone controls the choices they made.

My choice?
"Don't let emotions control you, be a master of controlling emotions."

Anonymous said...

yes, everyone is given a choice to choose what they want to be.. thanks.

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