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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Time Life Line

Ever wonder why people or living things has a lifespan? And why are everyone's Lifespan varies from one another?

Meaning some will live longer than the other, but let alone those accidental tragedies and diseases.

Have you all notice, pets, animals or insects have shorter lifespan than Humans? Also some Trees have longer lifespan than Humans?

I've wondered this for a long time, but just my thoughts.

What if Life's just like a Battery? Which can come in all different types of sizes and different charging capacities. For me, I always wondered if there's a fixed amount of time for everyone to live just like batteries.

Everyday, we wake up to start doing whatever things we like and do, each tasks will use a certain amount of energy which is similar logic to batteries whereby batteries are used to do certain task and work. Once we used up our energies, we'll go recharge to gain back energies by eating and resting, which is also just like batteries that will have a recharging source to charge back energies so that they can be reused again.

If batteries have a limited number of cycle for recharging, so do Humans and living things.

But number of charging cycles and energies used depends on the sizes of living things. For examples, insects and pets are of small type of batteries where their charging capacities are small will have short lifespan as compared to humans and trees.

But of course, there are some exceptions whereby the larger size of humans do not actually means they have a big capacities of charging as their lifespan may be short due to diseases.

It'll be more complicated if the diseases are to factored into the picture, but the main point I like to think is that:

How long is humans charging capacities and is there a fixed number of hours to live for everyone, but depends on the amount of charge they rest minus the amount of work they do?

Example: if a human can live up to maximum 1,000,000 hours (which is about 114 years old), but due to this human work more than he rest, there'll be discounts on the amount of living hours. On the other hand, if this human rest more than he work, he may probably live up to the maximum!

But that does not mean an extremely lazy person live the longest! You can try buy a pair of batteries and let it do nothing for just 3 year, won't your batteries lifespan be discount too?

If you notice, Insects work and rest quickly, so their lifespan also used up very fast!

So my thoughts here is that everyone or every single living thing, may have its fixed number of living hours but depends on sizes, work loads and rest time.

So Get some life and do things great for societies around you now!

Enjoy your Life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said. I like your analysis. =)

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