Re-Introductory to CUSTOMER SERVICE
A Basic and Brief introduction to CUSTOMER SERVICE
In this blog, in order to know how we can "EnJoY ThE WaY YoU WaNt LiFe To Be!!", 1st we must look at ourselves and the people around us.
In this 21st Century and beyond, we are moving towards Informative ERA, moving into an ERA where meeting people is not really a must to do in business or social life for some group of people, including me, who are doing, eg. Online businesses, Investments, cyber cafe chatting, gaming etc.
Most of us know what is CUSTOMER SERVICE, so why do I still ask or talk about CUSTOMER SERVICE here?
"Can't we just skip this boring, useless knowledge aside and keep things move on as usual, just do whatever we have to do and move on?" or "What's so important about CUSTOMER SERVICE, as if I care?" or "Why do I give it a damn?!" - as some of you may quote.
Well, if we really want to "enjoy the way we want life to be", we still need to communicate regardless if we are communicating with bosses, colleagues, spouses, friends, family members, ourselves and even animals, so as to make our lifes better.
"But what has communicating got to do with CUSTOMER SERVICE? I still don't get it..." - perhaps some of you may wonder.
Let's just say, if you are unable to communicate well with your bosses or colleagues, will you get things done SMOOTHLY? If you are unable to communicate with your spouse or family members well, are you INVITING more conflicts and disorders unneccessarily? If you are unable to communicate with your pets well, will they give you some BITES or SCRATCHES when you don't provide them enough or be nasty to them? If YOU, yourself, unable to communicate with yourself, ignoring or unaware of your body conditions and still keep eating your favourite food non-stop for few days or weeks, will your stomach not UPSET as time goes on?
So how well or how good do you provide your CUSTOMER SERVICE to the people mentioned above?
And next question, Ah... This is one of my favourite questions, do we really know who are our "CUSTOMERS"?
"CUSTOMERS" in this blog mentioned does not mean the people who buys your product or the people to whom you wanted to sell your products.
I leave it to you to think through and answers will be brought to light in next Chapter.
'Customers' refers to the ppl you are communicating with?
Yeah, You are so right! Its referring to Anyone or Anything that you are communicating with. I'll share more of the Customer Service at later time. Stay tuned.
ok. thank u. =)
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