How to Make Ice in 5 Sec!
This is simply amazing! Gotta see this and you can try this at home!
That's Right! "Enjoy Life the way you want it to be!" is what everyone wants to do! Here I would like to share some of the things I like to do and enjoying doing it, I hope you will come and share with me what are the things and the ways you enjoy your life to be too! Less Talk, Let's Move On!!
This is simply amazing! Gotta see this and you can try this at home!
Posted by
Schneider Kang
6:50:00 AM
Labels: Blogging
It has come to my attention that viewers have some problem with viewing my Blog using Internet Explorer.
Indeed it has as the Internet Explorer has distorted the layout of my blog and viewers cannot see the columns on the right hand side of my blog page but rather it is loaded at the bottom of my blog...
Why not try using Firefox to browse instead. Apart that Firefox can properly align my blog, it has a lot of other advantages compared to Internet Explorer.
Users can customise and optimise the browser to
Posted by
Schneider Kang
12:00:00 AM
Labels: Blogging
In everyday lives of every ERA ages, everyone in the world will definitely have some bad experiences with all different kinds of difficult Customers and Services.
Why do we have such experiences in this world?
In ancient times, when people encounter difficult Customers, fights, conflicts and even wars will be the end product of Bad Services, even now, we can still see such things happening in the world. It's due to some terms and conditions that both parties do not agree upon and do not give ways bit by bit.
Times definitely have changed, so do people. People has studied people in terms of emotions, characteristics, behaviours, mentalities, believes etc. People has learnt and imparted some skills of handling difficult Customers and Services.
Strictly speaking, all the skills learnt will only be half effective or no effect at all if only one of the party learns to communicate while the other don't and seldom or never constantly put in use. Dealing with Customers and Services is about two-way communications, half duplex system. Just like communicating with your loved ones, if communications breakdown, what will happen?
Half Duplex System is a system whereby one send messages and the other receive messages one at a time. When one person talks, the other listens, then communication is successfully established and that the other person can receive 100% messages. If both were talking at the same time, who's listening? And how much do each of them receive each other's messages?
So back to today's Topic, What's a difficult Customer and Services?
A difficult Customer is one whose actions and behaviours intentionally causes difficulties to people around them and same for Customer Service Providers.
I'm sure most of you have some experience with difficult Customers and Services. Have you not been a difficult Customers yourselves too? Well, if you have, you'll be able to understanding more for those difficult Customers and probably you can handle them more easily if you were in their shoes before, isn't it? But 1st, one has to be calmed, in controlled mood to handle difficult situation.
I've purchased an item and to be delivered on a specific weekday as they were packed with delivery schedules. As I'm working on the weekday they delivering and my parents not around to receive the package, so I've to specially take a leave to stay at home waiting for the delivery. But when the day comes, the delivery did not come on the timeslots they'll be delivering. I've made a call to the service provider and they told me that the delivery was pushed back to few days later and I wasn't informed of the delayed delivery.
What do you think was my reaction? If you were in my situation, what will your reaction be?
After the reactions you may think of, think back. Is the service poor or can there be any improvements on my part? By being angry and fuming up anger to others, will not solve any problems, but will instead create more frustrations, miserables and anger within oneselves. Things done cannot be undone unlike typing words in computer, can undo. What's done is done, but be calmed and just think back for moments if things can be better to prevent such events to occur in the future.
There are ways to actually prevent such unhappy scenarios. One of which is the service provider should have sent a notice that the delivery will be late. And the other is I should have made a call a few days earlier just to confirm if the delivery was still on its schedule, it just don't take much time to make a call to confirm.
"It takes two hands to clap or handshaking."
I don't know about your encounters, but things can be better if you were to think back and be proactive to make sure such things will not happen in the future.
Even if things still happen in similar ways, think back and analyze what can be done better before venting out anger.
It's simple, but may not be easy to do, especially on emotional part.
1. Think Back.
2. Analyse situation.
3. Be proactive to confirm again and again.
4. Implement a system to prevent same event happen again.
It's all in the mind, it's of how one can control the mind.
"Don't let emotions control you, be a Master of controlling emotions instead"
There's no one-off solution of handling Difficult Customers and Services as everyone and every situations varies. Its always easier said than done, but without a start to do it, there'll be no start at all and things will not be changed. So let's start analyze and practice to learn handling Customers and Services right away to build a better world for ourselves and generations beyond!
Next, I'll share how to be a good listener.
Posted by
Schneider Kang
11:47:00 AM
Labels: Customer Service
Ever wonder why people or living things has a lifespan? And why are everyone's Lifespan varies from one another?
Meaning some will live longer than the other, but let alone those accidental tragedies and diseases.
Have you all notice, pets, animals or insects have shorter lifespan than Humans? Also some Trees have longer lifespan than Humans?
I've wondered this for a long time, but just my thoughts.
What if Life's just like a Battery? Which can come in all different types of sizes and different charging capacities. For me, I always wondered if there's a fixed amount of time for everyone to live just like batteries.
Everyday, we wake up to start doing whatever things we like and do, each tasks will use a certain amount of energy which is similar logic to batteries whereby batteries are used to do certain task and work. Once we used up our energies, we'll go recharge to gain back energies by eating and resting, which is also just like batteries that will have a recharging source to charge back energies so that they can be reused again.
If batteries have a limited number of cycle for recharging, so do Humans and living things.
But number of charging cycles and energies used depends on the sizes of living things. For examples, insects and pets are of small type of batteries where their charging capacities are small will have short lifespan as compared to humans and trees.
But of course, there are some exceptions whereby the larger size of humans do not actually means they have a big capacities of charging as their lifespan may be short due to diseases.
It'll be more complicated if the diseases are to factored into the picture, but the main point I like to think is that:
How long is humans charging capacities and is there a fixed number of hours to live for everyone, but depends on the amount of charge they rest minus the amount of work they do?
Example: if a human can live up to maximum 1,000,000 hours (which is about 114 years old), but due to this human work more than he rest, there'll be discounts on the amount of living hours. On the other hand, if this human rest more than he work, he may probably live up to the maximum!
But that does not mean an extremely lazy person live the longest! You can try buy a pair of batteries and let it do nothing for just 3 year, won't your batteries lifespan be discount too?
If you notice, Insects work and rest quickly, so their lifespan also used up very fast!
So my thoughts here is that everyone or every single living thing, may have its fixed number of living hours but depends on sizes, work loads and rest time.
So Get some life and do things great for societies around you now!
Enjoy your Life!
Posted by
Schneider Kang
11:00:00 AM
Labels: General Knowledge
Yup most of you are smart enough to get it right for the last question I've asked! That's great!
Customers are everywhere! Customers are not someone who buy our products and use our services etc. Customers are someone or something to whom you are connected with your life! They can be your bosses, spouses, colleagues, parents, siblings, family members, relatives, pets, vehicles and even your own body!
It's so easy, isn't it to know who are your CUSTOMERS?
Some of you may quote - "What a crap!" or "So what? etc".
Yup, no doubt, its a "So what?" society we may live in. Imagine a world your own to not be able to communicate well with those someone or something above, will your life be more lonely, miserable, unhappy or even devastating? Well, I guess most of you can live well also without able to communicate with some of the people or things mentioned above.
However, if you are able to communicate just nice to each and everyone, wouldn't you be living in a world of happiness, less conflicts and a great sense of living alive?
"Come on, be realistic, don't be a dreamer, this is a real world, halo, you nuts?" Some of you may see this way.
But if everyone will do their best to make things better for someone or something around themselves, I'm sure this will become true and everyone will be able to live life happily.
Said is easier than done as we all are dealing mostly with people and each has their own individual characteristics and emotions. Which is why there's this "Psychology" exist in this world.
Next, I'll share what is a difficult customer.
Posted by
Schneider Kang
11:36:00 PM
Labels: Customer Service
Posted by
Schneider Kang
11:51:00 PM
Labels: Blogging